• @thekhuc

What is the Semantic Web?

Semantic Web is global mesh of information that is easily processed by machines. It is an efficient way to represent data on the World Wide Web. This sytem was thought up by Tim Bernes-Lee, who was the inventor of the WWW, URIs, HTTP, and HTML. It is constantly worked on by a team of people at the World Wide Web consortium (W3C). Also many languages, publications and tools have already been developed based on this sytem.

The Semantic Web allows people to publish and find information faster and easier. It is built on syntaxes which us URIs, Uniform Resource Identifier, to represent data, usually in triples based structures. A language which uses URIs is called RDF, Resource Description Framework. RDF XML is considered to be the standard interchange format for RDF on the Semantic Web. Semantic Web languages are very powerful in that they make it very easy for people to create and publish information using URIs and that it is very unconstraining in what it lets people say and do. But at the same time, they are the basis for very well defined and structured applications.

The next step in the architecture of the Semantic Web is trust and proof. Applications on the Semantic Web will depend on context generally to let people know whether or not to trust the data. These applications will generally contain proof checking mechanisms and digital signatures. The Semantic Web is growing and it is important that we address these issues before they get out of control.

Source: The Semantic Web: An Introduction [http://infomesh.net/2001/swintro/]

Google Toolbar Beta 4.0

Now you can make your Toolbar as unique as you are. You can add buttons and bookmarks; get instant search suggestions; share web pages with friends; and enjoy the Toolbar’s pop-up blocker, web form filler, and spellchecker. Learn more about Google Toolbar Beta 4.0 and also get a copy for yourself at http://www.google.com/tools/toolbar/T4/index.html.

XSLT Operations

<xsl:when test="ceiling(number($variable1) div number($variable2)) = 2">

You can perform the following operations on XSLT variables:

ceiling($variable): returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to $variable
number($variable): casts $variable to a number
div: performs division operation

Installed J2SE Development Kit and NetBeans IDE

The Install Wizard has successfully installed J2SE Development Kit 1.4.2_10 and NetBeans IDE 4.1 on your computer. Choose Finish to exit the Wizard.  J2SE Development Kit 1.4.2_10 installation location: C:\j2sdk1.4.2_10  NetBeans IDE 4.1 installation location: C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1
To run the IDE, launch:
C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\bin\netbeans.exe
To uninstall the IDE, launch:
C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\_uninst\uninstaller.exe
To uninstall J2SE Development Kit 1.4.2_10:
Use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel

Mix 06

The MIX conference is a 72-hour conversation between web developers, designers and business leaders. When you attend MIX you’ll learn the latest about IE7, Windows Media, Windows Live!, as well as “Atlas”, Microsoft’s new AJAX framework.

March 20-22, 2006
At The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino
Las Vegas, NV

[Source: http://www.mix06.com/]

QuickNote – Firefox Extension

I’ve just downloaded another Firefox extension called QuickNote. It allows me to take note from within Firefox. I can open it in a seperate window, a new tab, or a sidebar. As a web developer, I tend to switch between NotePad and Firefox a lot but not anymore. Thanks to QuickNote. This extension is my new favorite. You should give it a try too. Download it here. Let me know what you think.

Javascript Keywords

break case continue delete do else false for function if in new null return switch this true typeof var void while with

Reserved keywords but not used by Javascript
catch class const debugger default enum export extends finally import super try

My Firefox Extensions

If you haven’t done so already, you should go ahead and download Firefox browser. It comes with extensions and themes that you can download and install to improve your browsing experience. My favorite extension is the Web Developer and my favorite theme is iFox. Here is my recommended list of extensions.

New Year Resolutions

Top 10 Most Common New Year Resolutions

  1. Lose weight
  2. Stop smoking
  3. Stick to a budget
  4. Save or earn more money
  5. Find a better job
  6. Become more organized
  7. Exercise more
  8. Be more patient at work/with others
  9. Eat better
  10. Become a better person

Top 10 InPhonic New Year Resolutions

  1. Make coffee when taking last cup
  2. Do own dishes in kitchen
  3. Clean up mess when making beverages
  4. Throw out old food in fridge
  5. Restock coffee, MOOs, etc.
  6. Remove paper jam in printer
  7. Add toner to printer
  8. Put paper in printer
  9. Leave cell phone outside bathroom
  10. Attend IT Bowling Bash

Thanks to Holly for this list.

New HR Policies

Please be advised that there are NEW rules and regulations implemented to raise the efficiency of our firm.


  • It is advised that you come to work driving a car according to your salary.
  • If we see you driving a Honda, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore you do not need a raise.
  • If you drive a 10 year old car or taking public transportation, we assume you must have lots of savings therefore you do not need a raise.
  • If you drive a Pickup, you are right where you need to be and therefore you do not need a raise.


  • Each employee will receive 52 Annual Leave days a year (Wooow!). They are called Sunday.


  • Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch as they need to eat more so that they can look healthy.
  • Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure.
  • Fat people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that’s all the time needed to drink a Slim Fast and take a diet pill.


  • We will no longer accept a doctor Medical Cert as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.


  • Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilets.
  • There is now a strict 3-minute time limit in the cubicles. At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the door will open.


  • All personal internet usage will be recorded and charges will be deducted from your bonus (if any) and if we decide not to give you any, charges will be deducted from your salary. (note: Rs.20 per minute as we have 4MB connection).
  • Just for the record. 73% of the staff will not be entitled to anY salary for the next 3 months as their internet charges have exceeded their 3 months salary.
  • Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience.